More addictive than crack!
I normally hate stick movies/games, however this one is really something! I couldn't stop playing! Keep up the good work, and add more unique bad guys.
More addictive than crack!
I normally hate stick movies/games, however this one is really something! I couldn't stop playing! Keep up the good work, and add more unique bad guys.
PrEtTy GoOd
ThE CoNcEpT iS OnE I HaVe PoNdeRed MaNy TiMes...A MaGa MaN RpG! You MaDe An ExCelLeNt ChOiCe WiTh NIN As ThE MuSic...anD iT WaS iNtErEstInG EnOugH To KeEp Me fRoM KilLiNg PeOpLe fOr 10 MiNuTes.
SeRiOuSlY FUnNy!
Is AnYThInG MoRe FuN ThEn DeAd BaBieS? I ThInK NoT!
My passions are Guns, Drugs and Motorcycles.
Age 41, Male
Drug Dealer
School is for chumps.
Toronto, ON
Joined on 6/5/00